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D.6. Conference to exchange experiences with experts
Aim: to organise work meetings to find out about other experiences in habitat improvement, captive breeding and the reintroduction of the Tetrao urogallus implemented in other countries. The experts can assess the management and scientific committees regarding the actions laid out in LIFE+. Partner: Fundación Biodiversidad.
Description: we plan to organise at least 5 technical meetings: two meetings in the Cantabrian Mountains, inviting experts from other countries to find out about the LIFE+ actions in situ.
- One visit to Scotland to find out about the LIFE Urgent Conservation Management for Scottish Capercaillie project.
- Visits to the Pyrenees to find out about how they’re managing the forest and controlling predators (Proyecto Gallipyr).
- A meeting in Cevennes to find out about their experience in captive breeding and reintroduction of the Tetrao urogallus.
- 2010: Presence at the XX Ornithology Conference4-8/12/2010 in Tremp (Lleida).
- 2011: Meeting with the Gallipyr project team on 20/06/2011 in Pallars (Lleida). Meeting with the Gallipyr project team on 13/10/2011 in Orlu Formiguères (France).
- 2012: Meeting with LIFE+ Tétras Vosges on 1/11/2012 in the Cantabrian mountains.
- 2013: Presence at the Spanish Forestry Conference held in Vitoria-Gasteiz on10-14 June 2013. Participation in the LIFE+ Tétras Vosges meeting, in France, on 24-27/09/2013. Visit form Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) experts in the Cantabrian Mountains, 2-3/10/2013.
- LIFE+ participated in meetings regarding the capercaillie (23-24/11/2013) in Piornedo (Os Ancares, Lugo), organised by Asociación Galega de Custodia do Territorio.
- 2014: Participation in the Environmental meetings organised by Asociación de Agentes Medioambientales de Palencia in Cervera de Pisuerga (12 February). Technical meeting with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) at the Abernethy Nature Reserve, Scotland from 21 to 24 April. Organising and developing the technical meeting “El urogallo y el arándano en la cordillera Cantábrica” on 17 June, in Villablino (León).
en ejecución