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D.5. Education and information campaign

Aim to increase awareness about the ecology and situation of the Cantabrian capercaillie and promote society in general getting involved as well as the economic sectors involved in the project.

Partner: SEO/BirdLife.


  • Producing materials for local residents: 20,000 stickers, 10,000 posters, 2,000 pins, 1,000 figures, 5,000 information manual and 500 t-shirts.
  • Producing materials for school children: 1,000 educational CDs for Year 7 children and 2,000 stories for Primary School children.
  • Producing materials for the economic sectors: good practice guides for farmers, hunters and tourism businesses: 1,000 copies for each target audience.
  • Travelling exhibition: aimed at school centres, cultural association, local councils and exhibition halls.
  • School campaign: environmental education activates organised by schools in Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias and Castile and León that want this. These are provided by specialised monitors, local groups and volunteers from SEO/BirdLife.
  • Information sessions for the sectors involved: we plan to organise a minimum of 8 education sessions in 8 towns in the regions of Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias and Castile and León, aim mainly at farmers, hunters and tourism businesses.


  • Producing materials for local residents: 20,000 stickers, 2,000 pins and 500 t-shirts.
  • Producing materials for school children: 2,000 stories aimed at primary school children.
  • Travelling exhibition: we have designed an exhibition made up of 10 panels. In 2012 it travelled through the following centres and towns: Royal Botanical Gardens in Madrid, Centro de Visitantes de “Sotama” in Tama (Cillórigo de Liébana, Cantabria), Casona Blasonada de los Condes de Luna (Murias de Paredes, León), Centro de Recepción e Interpretación del Parque Natural de Redes (Campo de Caso, Asturias), Centro de Interpretación del Parque Natural de Ponga (Asturias), Cantabria Central Library in Santander, Centro de Interpretación del Parque Natural Saja-Besaya in Valle de Cabuérniga (Los Tojos, Cantabria), Casa de la Naturaleza de Pesaguero (Cantabria), Centro de Interpretación de Caboalles de Arriba (León), Casa de Cultura de Cangas del Narcea (Asturias).
  • School campaign: the 2011-2012 school year we have completed education activities in the following schools, raising awareness among around 1000 students: Cantabria: C.P. Concepción Arenal (Potes), I.E.S. Jesús de Monasterio (Potes), I.E.S. Montesclaros (Reinosa), C.P. Rodríguez de Celis (Paracuelles, Campoo de Suso), C.P. Valle de Polaciones (Puente Pumar, Polaciones), C.P. Valle de Polaciones (Puente Pumar, Polaciones) and C.P. Manuel Llano (Terán, Cabuérniga).

Asturias: C.R.A. Picos de Europa (Benia de Onís), I.E.S. Rey Pelayo (Cangas de Onís), C.P.E.B. Las Arenas (Arenas de cabrales), C.P. Manuel Miguel y Traviesas (Campo de Caso), C.R.A. Picos de Europa (Mestas) and C.R.A. Picos de Europa (Beleño).

Castile and León: C.R.A. Puebla de Lillo, C.R.A. de Almanz, C.R.A. Santa Bárbara (Olleros de Sabero), I.E.S. Pablo Díez (Boñar) and I.E.S. Vadinia (Cistierna).

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