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The project is coordinated by the Biodiversity Foundation and has as partners with the Autonomous Communities of Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla y León, through the Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla y León, Inter-Regional Consortium for the coordinated management of the National Park Picos de Europa, SEO/BirdLife and the financing of the Autonomous National Parks Institution and Iberdrola España Foundation.

The project arose under a participatory perspective, in which all partners contribute their knowledge and experiences as well as participate in decision-making and control of project activities.

Within the project are the Committees of Management Science and Communication, which include the participation of all partners and beneficiaries of scientific and academic institutions nationally and internationally.

The Management Committee is constituted as a decision-making body and has the participation of all partners, beneficiaries and representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine as ultimately responsible for the management of the species nationally. Its main function is making management decisions and monitoring of project activities.

The Scientific Committee comprises experts representing all beneficiary partners and has invited members of the scientific and academic institutions relevant national and international on the species. Its main function is to provide scientific criteria for making decisions and preparatory actions to support conservation actions planned.

The Communication Committee, Training and Awareness aims to provide technical criteria on information and communication that takes place in the field of project and provide the coordination of education campaigns, participation and awareness.

Fundación Biodiversidad
C/ José Abascal, 4. 28003 Madrid

Gobierno de Cantabria. Dirección General de Montes y Conservación de la Naturaleza
C/ Rodríguez, 5 1º. 39002 Santander

Gobierno del Principado de Asturias. Dirección General de Biodiversidad y Paisaje
C/ Coronel Aranda, 2-3º Planta. 33071 Oviedo

Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León
C/ Rigoberto Cortejoso, 14. 47014 Valladolid

Consorcio Interautonómico para la gestión coordinada del Parque Nacional de los Picos de Europa
C/ Arquitecto Reguera, 13, 1º. 33004 Oviedo

Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife)
C/ Mequiades Biencinto, 34. 28053 Madrid


Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales
C / José Abascal, 41. 28003 Madrid

Fundación Iberdrola España
C/ Chulapos, s/n. 28005 Madrid